It helped make something that was daunting to him just a little more fun. The songs carried over to when he started using the full size toilet. As soon as he would go he would start singing "I am so big look at me, I can use my own potty..." There were even times that we would be away from the house that I would sing one of the songs when he had a hard time relaxing and it would help him to go!
Speaking of on the go, I always dreaded having to use public restrooms during this transition from diapers to toilets, but then I discovered something that made it so much easier. It's the folding traveling potty seat.

It really helps for little ones that have a hard time straddling that giant toilet seat. I read a LOT of reviews on Amazon before I made my purchase and it seems to work well for many kids. I just carried mine in a plastic zip lock in my giant purse. It's a little bit of a hassle, but definitely a big help when you are out and about. Plus, forget trying to balance them over the seat or covering the seat with toilet paper, you just place the traveling seat on the toilet and then your child can be secure and comfortable enough to go with ease and you don't have to worry about the filth. The traveling seats come in all kinds of kid friendly designs, which is just another incentive to help make learning to go potty a little more fun.
My son has already outgrown these products, but I feel like I got my moneys worth especially since I will get to use them both again. Luckily I have a while before I have to worry about that!!!

This post is a part of Things I love Thursdays over at the Diaper Diaries.
Great post, when potty training my boys I love the portable little toilet seat. I think every Mom should have one. Works great!
I don't know why we never got one of those portable seats! We did have a little travel potty that was GREAT to have on trips!!
{RYC ~ yep, my mister is exactly one week older than yours. I always remember J's b-day for that reason!!}
Must be that kind of day - I wrote about potty training today, too!
For little kids or when you're away from home, sometimes it helps if they sit on the toilet BACKWARDS, straddling it. Less likely to fall in!
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