Friday, July 24, 2009

Identity Crisis

Haven't we all been guilty at times of trying to be someone we are not? For some people this just means acting out of your true character, but for others it mean literally acting like someone you are not.

For my mother this happened when she switched schools and told all her new class mates that she was Goldie Hawn's daughter.

For my husband a similar thing took place when he went to a new school and felt like he didn't fit in. That summer he got a totally rad new hair cut. It was a little bit longer in the back parted and spiked on the side like so...

Look out Jonas brothers! This hair cut made him feel like a whole new person and he wanted his peers to see him that way too. So he made up a story about having a twin brother that lived in another part of the world. He would take on a new name and tell everyone that he switched with his twin and no one would see the "nerdy brother" ever again. This was has chance to start all over. Luckily he never went through with it.

One time I came up with a new persona myself and started a website called the messy mom and told stories about my domestic blunders and eccentric family.

Just kidding, it might be nice to say the real me does not have a closet that looks like this

or that I never set my kitchen on fire, or that I don't have meaningless disputes with my husband, but that would be a lie. All 430 posts on this blog are the real me, which I am learning to be okay with, and for the record my mom and my husband have too. They no longer have to make up lies about who they are. Well, if they really are my mom and my husband, or is that just another act???

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