Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was asked to play a character named Imajean in the 2002 VBS at our church. Imajean is a naive, but lovable (if I do say so myself) hillbilly. Who would have thought that this character would catch on and I will still be playing Imagene 7 years later. I used to have overalls, a flannel shirt, and big clunky boots, but eventually got rid of the original costume to make room in my closet for items I actually wore. So this year when they asked me to play Imagene again I did the best I could to come up with something that resembled a hillbilly. Our pastor said that the boots were a bit too Wellington for a hillbilly.

Okay, so maybe a hillbilly wouldn't wear J. Crew rain boots, but it was the best I could do with what I had on hand. The reason I have these boots is because when we were in Colorado last year there was a freak snow storm at the end of April and half the time I couldn't get out of the car without stepping into a foot of snow. So we searched for some hiking boots with no luck, but really anything would have been better than the Birkenstocks that I had on. Being springtime J. Crew had rain boots for sale so I bought the green ones and wore them proudly.

I think VBS is the only other time I have worn them, but the kids loved them and didn't think anything of them being too "wellington". What's more fun than a hick with pig tails and green rubber boots right?

Photo 1- Imajean and her brother Jethro (a guy from chruch)
Photo 2- Me, J, and Z in Colorado


Anonymous said...

I was once in a church play where the sad homeless, ragamuffin wore rather nice looking Calvin Kline jeans. I was in charge of wardrobe and I hated the idea. It was what the kid had and the show must go on. Lol

{amy} said...

You're STILL playing Imajean?! That's awesome!! :) If you're in need of an outfit next year, I have some capri overalls that I bought for a hoedown!