Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Oh the Smells

The heightened sense of smell has already begun which begs the question, what's up with that? There are a lot of bazaar things that happen during pregnancy, but for me, smelling everything and having really wild dreams top the list.

The other day I was feeling queazy, so I went to the fridge to grab a piece of ginger because they say that the scent of ginger is supposed to help. The only problem is it smelled like the ginger had been fraternizing with the onions, so it only worsened my condition. Ginger is fragrant, but onions are stronger and far less soothing. The smell of "gingions" was not what I had in mind.

My mom recently told me a story about how her mother who was pregnant for the 5th time was forced to pull over and vomit on the side of the road due to one of my uncles outrageous farts. I never met my grandmother who passed away before I was born, but after hearing that story I really felt a connection. Poor thing.

So the smell thing can be bad, but it also makes you appreciate certain scents you may not notice otherwise. I know it's weird, but during my last pregnancy I enjoyed the smell of wisteria, fresh cut grass, and plain yogurt. This time I haven't really craved any smells, but my nose is open to it and if the right scent comes along I will know.

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