Friday, July 31, 2009

Announcing The News

Once I found out I was pregnant I had to decide when and how to tell everyone. I love to hear stories about creative ways people shared this precious news with loved ones. In fact, this is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. With the first pregnancy J and I went to the Macaroni Grill and played hangman with the crayons on our table cloth. I spelled out "You are going to be a dad" and that is how he found out! It was really special moment.

This time while J was working I had Z color on a piece of paper that I folded in half and then on the inside wrote "dear daddy, I am going to be a big brother. Love, Z."
I had to wait till the end of the day for the opportunity, but when the time was right I had Z give it to him. Once he read it he was really excited and it was nice that Z got to be a part of it.

Next up was to tell the family. I tried to get video footage of Z saying "I am going to be a big brother" and I just couldn't get him to cooperate when the video camera was on. Then as I was going through some of our old web cam videos (preparing for video week on this blog) I came across this video that Z recorded of himself. He is jabbering about numbers and letters, but pretty much the whole thing is unintelligible so I thought why not put subtitles making him say whatever I want him to say. So this is the video we sent to our family members.

After nearly a month of keeping our secret I was ready to share the news with the world and that brings us to this week where I finally got to tell all of you!

1 comment:

Lexi said...

That is super cute! Now all you need is a ticker like mine at the top of your page...