Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: VBS Innuendos

Unfortunately in our dirty minded society everything can be turned into some kind of sexual innuendo and our children’s pastor somehow found himself stumbling over some in the middle of VBS. Now just to clarify this guy is a good ol' boy to the core and the furthest thing from having a filthy mouth. To him booty is still something that pirates steal. That is why when coming up with ideas for names to go with our camping themed week he thought nothing of the title “Camping Gone Wild”. However, someone else did and recommended not using anything “gone wild” for church promotional material so we went with “The Great Camping Adventure” instead. To go along with the camping theme the kids were divided up by age groups and each group had a forest animal name like, skunk, raccoon, or owl. Every night when the children’s pastor was trying to rile up the kids he would say things like “Are there any skunks in the house?” and the kids would scream. One time when addressing the owl team he said “Do we have any hooters in here?” he caught himself and immediately correcting it by saying owls, after his face turned completely red. The kids didn’t even notice (which is quite refreshing to know there is still some innocence left in the world). The adults on the other hand couldn’t hold back the laughter.


Lexi said...

Oh this made me laugh out loud...poor guy, I bet he was embarrassed. :)

{amy} said...

I can just imagine him getting all red in the face! Too funny! :) I wonder why he didn't share this bit of information when we talked about VBS this year?!

Zion said...

Ha ha. I even thought I might get in trouble for posting this one, but oh well. Only a couple of people that know him will read it.