Saturday, August 1, 2009


Now that I have let the cat out of the bag about this pregnancy and shared some stories from the past month I will finish it all up with some random details about where I am at in the whole process.

For starters I am 9 weeks along. That means the baby is about the size of an olive. However, I have talked it over with some friends who convinced me that there is no shame in wearing maternity clothes as early in the pregnancy as you see fit and the same rule goes for wearing them postpartum. That being said I started yesterday! Not that I am showing or anything, but I have a couple items that fit just right with the elastic around the waist and I love it.

I have my first appointment with my midwife in about a week. So that answers the question of whether or not I plan on having another natural birth, but whether I do it at home or at the birth center is still up in the air.

I am feeling well overall. Today, I felt like I had zero energy, but the fact that it has been raining buckets may also have a part in that. At this point there is not too much to share, but I will check back in as I find out more.


Michele R said...

You sure do bring back the memories. I remember with my first I kept it secret from work till I was 17 weeks. Then with #2 I barely made it to 12 as my waist busted out.
Isn't it great to know you have choices about where to birth and with whom?

Erin Myers said...

Im so glad your feeling fairly decent! I would have liked to have been able to have a homebirth with Bella. but I was too concerned about the neighbors hearing labor :/ However this one was the easiest labor ever and i would have been fine... maybe next time... if there is a next time lol

Becky said...

Glad you're feeling good!

And I remember so well how good it feels when you give up wearing regular clothes and start wearing maternity. Aaaaaah!