Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: That Came Out Wrong

I am notorious for saying things the wrong way. Let's just start this story with the fact that I have always had a heart to adopt. I hope that someday we will be able to adopt some children and I have always been open to having a biracial family. Who knows, we'll see what God has in store.

One time I was having a conversation with an acquaintance and we were talking about family and children. I told her that I was up for adoption. Then I had to correct myself "I" am not up for adoption. Being in my mid 20's that would be weird. I guess I should l have said that I am interested in the possibility of adopting.

So then today I was at the park with my little family and J commented on a cute little black baby that was playing nearby. I said "you know we might end up having one those." He looked at me in my maternity shirt and said "a little black baby?"

"Well not this time." I replied and then it hit me how that could really be taken the wrong way! Yeah, if I end up giving birth to a little black baby then we have a problem on are hands. Obviously I meant that we may one day be blessed with a black baby through adopting. J knew what I meant, he just likes to give me a hard time. Ugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that right up there with an immaculate conception?