Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My First Prenatal Checkup

There have been a vast number of differences between this pregnancy and the last. Not so much physical, but more emotional. The first time I got a positive pregnancy test (with Z) it was followed up with probably 10 more tests! I just couldn't believe it and I wanted to be sure. I took tests all throughout the first trimester. This time I took ONE. That's it. No further confirmation needed. I knew the routine.

I felt connected to the baby early on last time. Not all in a good way, some of it was fear and concern of loosing the baby. I was constantly thinking and dreaming about the baby. This time I would often forget that I was pregnant and have to remind myself to pray for this little one that is on the way.

Last pregnancy I wanted my midwife to see me RIGHT AWAY! I went in at about 6 weeks. I couldn't even imagine waiting another month to be seen, it would have driven me crazy. This time I waited till 11 weeks. Of course I was happy to be pregnant, but I began to wonder when it would really sink in that I am having another baby. My question was answered the day I had my first prenatal checkup.

I was hoping just to hear the heartbeat, but when we were offered a sonogram I was thrilled. The moment I saw that little baby moving around on the screen I felt like time stopped. I have seen many sonograms before, but for me that was the moment I connected with this baby. I tried to hold back the tears. It was unbelievable, just seeing the tiny being and knowing that before too long I will be holding a son or daughter that will change my life forever, and already has.

This was followed by hearing the heartbeat on doppler, which for an already emotionally charged pregnant woman was just another tear jerker moment. J recorded it on his iphone and we got copies of the sonogram photos to take with us, one of which is hanging on the fridge.

I am so excited about finding out what the gender is, and feeling movement. I am even excited about giving birth, believe it or not. It might still be months away, but I am getting to the point in life where you begin to realize that it truly does go by in the blink of an eye.


Becky said...

Oh, so sweet! And it really does go by so fast. That baby will be here in no time. Amazing.

Tracy Ryan said...

Ahhhh!!! I love it :) Reading your post makes me want to be pregnant again right now! Can't wait to follow the rest of the pregnancy with you :)