Starting with week 36
1. The BIGGEST UP of all was definitely the baby shower I had on Sunday. It's not because of all the gifts either, because the gifts were fun, but the best part was having so many of the people I care about come out to show their love and support. It was just the boost I needed at this often grueling last stage of pregnancy. I will share more about the shower next week because there are so many details I don't want to forget!

2. My other up is that I feel like I am finally making headway in getting things ready for the arrival of our little one. This week I started working on my playlist for the birth, preparing the birth supplies, shopping with my mom for materials for the bedding, and organizing/decorating the room.
Now for the 36 week downs
1. The acid reflux is getting worse, mostly at night. It is something I never deal with outside of pregnancy, but I do NOT enjoy the fire in my throat sensation.
2. I had a photo shoot Thursday morning. It was POURING down rain, and I had to wake Z up extra early and get him to the sitter. I drove for 20 minutes in horrible conditions only to find out the subject wasn't there yet. I waited in the lounge for 20 minutes and the secretary told me that she called and needed to reschedule. Well as you can imagine I was ready to blow a fuse! Basically I had spent the whole morning like a hamster in a wheel, spinning and spinning, but getting nowhere. I do not get compensated for jobs that I do not photograph, so it was a big waste of my time and gas! We've rescheduled for Tuesday so we'll see how it goes. This has nothing to do with pregnancy other than the fact that being 8 months pregnant didn't help the situation.
Next week I have my first ever prenatal check up at home and on Tuesday I enter into the world of full term pregnancy. I am so ready!

Ugh, I remember that heartburn too. That is the worst!
But you look adorable!
The heartburn is awful...I can totally relate!
You look radiant!!
I can't wait to see pictures of your little girl :) It won't be much longer now!
I am totally behind on blogging...I took a break without even announcing it. I am still trying to figure out how to do normal things around the house, work and take care of an infant :)
Have a wonderful week!
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