Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ice. Ice. Baby.

I had to make a second run to the grocery store today because yesterday I had forgotten to get bread, peanut butter, and tomatoes (blame it on pregnancy brain.) It was just a quick stop and as I went through the checkout line the cashier who was an older lady asked me if I liked peanut butter and tomato sandwiches! I laughed and told her no, it was just a coincidence. I assumed she just thought it was a crazy craving, but as it turns out people do eat PB & Tomato sandwiches, including her husband. YUCK!

I can't say that I have had too many cravings with this pregnancy, but I definitely have a weakness for ice and Kit Kat bars. Granted the ice is more of a condition than a craving. I was diagnosed anemic a few months ago and chewing ice is a symptom that goes along with having low iron and for me this has been the case with both pregnancies. The blood expands, the iron levels go down and I want nothing more than a cup full of ice water with small soft chunks of ice to crunch crunch crunch! I know it's not good for you teeth, but when it comes to addictions ice chewing has to be one of the cheapest ones out there.

This particular craving is considered to be a disorder labeled as "Pica" and it is common in pregnant women. It is when you crave non-nutritive substances. Now when I first read about this I took offense to be thrown into a category of people that eat clay, chalk, and things too gross to mention. Either way whatever you want to call it I am definitely into ice these days and as far as the Kit Kats I honestly wonder if it is also because of the crunching. I can't tell you how many Kit Kats I've gone through in the past month or so. Let's just say I purchase them in the mini 10 packs or king size in order to keep up with my appetite.

Any of you mom's out there experience unusual cravings during pregnancy? Pickles and ice cream, peanut butter and tomatoes? Or maybe some other ice chewers? We could start a anonymous support group or something.


nancy from ky said...

I didn't think this was weird but, I liked to put potato chips in my hamburger sandwich. Richard thought it was weird I just thought it was good. Crunch!

TracyL26 said...

Wasn't really odd, but McDonalds double cheeseburgers were my favorite the WHOLE pregnancy. I tried to limit myself to 1 every two weeks so I didn't blow up like a balloon (and end up birthing a cheeseburger instead of a baby ;) And cost-wise, it was a score as they were on the $1 menu!

Michele R said...

I guess I don’t see ice chewing as a very bad category. I am laughing over the Kit Kats! I never had cravings but in the first few months my comfort food was pb&j on soft white bread, with a glass of chocolate milk. Or scrambled eggs. I ate lots of eggs cuz I thought it would make for a strong amniotic sac. That is a really weird thing to write: amniotic sac.
Also I took chlorophyll in pill form to help boost the iron in the last couple months.

{amy} said...

My weirdest craving was the awful Filet-O-Fish sandwich at McDonald's! I've never eaten them non-pregnant, but sure craved them with my girl. My "normal" cravings were cantaloupe & french fries (not together)! I've always been anemic & an ice chewer, but never knew the two were related! I also never knew that was a form of Pica ~ I thought that was just eating dirt! Thanks for the info!

Zion said...

Well I just want to let everyone know, I am temporarily cured from ice and kit kats since my throat can barely handle the hot tea with honey and lemon that I've been drinking for the time being. I feel so sick!

Tracy- That's interesting. Weren't you just craving a double cheeseburger yesterday? ;)

Amy- Like I said, I don't consider ice a "non food" item, but all the research I found linked it together.