Monday, February 1, 2010

Little Blog, Little Announcement

You may have seen it coming, but I am going to be taking a blogging break. Not necessarily an official break, but a little more of a looser format. For those of you that follow the messy mom you know that I tend to write on a single topic for a week with around 5 posts per topic, and I have been doing it that way for going on two years. Since I could have a baby in a month my brain is pretty much in my belly. That is how I feel. Like it's right there along with the baby, placenta and who knows what else. I just can not think about anything other than, pregnancy stuff, mommy stuff, baby stuff and food, so I am not even going to try.

Now this is not to say that I am quitting the blog. Not at all, In fact there may be times that I am popping in more frequently like for a brief venting session or something. Then other times I may be absent for a while, like when I have the baby for example. I thought about setting up the webcam and having live video feed of the labor and delivery for all my readers, but then I decided against it. Okay, that is definitely a joke, but I do plan on doing some video blogging, photo updates, and chronicling the next couple months as much as possible.

I have loved documenting this pregnancy on here. All of you have been a tremendous support. Your advice and encouragement via comments and emails is like the epidural I never had (ha ha). I can't wait to see what is around the corner, and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I'll miss your stories and regular blogging, but I will look forward to any updates to come!! :)

Tracy Ryan said...

Me too! Can't wait to hear about the birth and what your little girl is like :)

Michele R said...

What??!? No. Just post less often :)
I just read that Gisele Bundchen had her baby at home in December.
Keep us posted! Hope you keep feeling great!

Anonymous said...

hey, i know of another blogger who did video her birth and posted it! "to each his own", right?

Amanda Huerta said...

I'll miss your blogging but you take care of yourself. I'll look forward to anything you have to write.

nurmisur said...

Enjoy your baby girl and post whenever you can.
Hope everything goes well in delivery.