Everything went great. I am so curious to see when I will go into labor. It could be any day now. My braxton hicks are becoming more regular and intense and my fundul height is 39 cm which is a little bit large for my due date. When my midwife went to feel the position of the baby we had to wait for the contraction to stop. Oh and this is exciting, she did the first internal exam and the baby is at a +1 station which means her head is "RIGHT THERE". My cervix is still posterior so I am probably not dilated yet. I am okay with going to my due date and I feel very happy and pregnant at this moment, but I would be shocked if we made it to March 9th. I still have little things that I would like to get done before she comes, but overall I am ready. I feel like my body is ready for this and I am actually looking forward to the birth.
The other Jeremy and Natalie also had a prenatal visit today and they found out that they are having a girl too! I am so thrilled about having a niece (on my side of the family) and to have a girl cousins that are only 4 months apart.
That's all the updates for now. I think that I have had all the exciting baby news I can take for one day.

Oh I cannot wait to meet her :) Good luck with the birth, I will be praying for you all!
I loved your pregnant pictures on the last post! Yay! I can't believe you're almost there! How exciting! I saw your update on fb about the other Jeremy & Natalie, along with the cute picture. How fun for y'all to have girls so close in age!!
Best wishes on your home birth!!! Did you have your son at home too? Found you on google when I googled Messy Mommy (that's me.) I promise I didn't know you existed when I created my blog. I wasn't copying but it's nice to know there's someone like me out there! :)
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