Speaking of which, I was able to see a Doctor yesterday. J's mom came in the afternoon to pick up Z for a few days. Then I checked into a Care Now Clinic around 6:00 pm after my sister in law who is a nurse talked me into it. Thank God for such a supportive family to swoop in and take over at just the right time.
As it turns out I do have an upper respiratory infection, in other words just a cold. However, if this infection were a spider I picture most colds as the little tiny spiders that you can find in a neglected dusty corner of an old building and my infection as a big harry TARANTULA! Michelle (fellow blogger and natural birth mama) mentioned having a similar situation with baby #2 and ended up on antibiotics. I appreciate your comments Michelle, because sometimes it's hard when things don't go according to plan. I really wanted to make it through this entire pregnancy without a single drop of medication, and I did up until-
sore throat
swollen glands
bloody phlegm
stuffy/runny nose
stabbing sensation in ears
loss of voice
burning in eyes
mild fever
cold sweats
Let me just say I wanted drugs like never before, I just wanted to end my agony. The Doctor gave me some nasal spray and the okay to take NyQuil along with a prescription to use only if symptoms persist over the next few days and believe me if it comes to that I will. This week has been such a beating, but it could be worse. I already sent a memo to the baby in belly that I am off schedule and she needs come later now. We'll see if she gets it.

Thanks for the shout out. I hope your bad cold symptoms are easing up!
Wouldn't the tree limb falling go towards the car owners insurance? Under car and homeowners insurance they consider these things "Acts of God" and the tree owner is not responsible. The car owner would file a claim under his car insurance under comprehensive. Hope you have a happy valentines day!!
I did just find that out about the insurance. Makes sense to me!
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