Oh dear Lord, please help me.
I have a boy and he is three.
Z is one rowdy rebel rouser, but WE are working on OUR behavior. I will say this though, no one knows how to make me smile like Z does.
My favorite thing is watching him play. With his imagination a water bottle becomes a giant and a chicken nugget is David (and yes, eating our food at meal time is another thing we are working on.)

In this photo we have Bob and Larry. Larry is a book and Bob is some kind of angry looking ball that squirts water out his eye. This ugly little ball has played the role of Bob for about a year now. J and I call him Bob's evil twin.
I've also mentioned how I was astonished by his creativity at the arts festival a few weeks ago. He made a really nice fruit loop necklace.

I couldn't believe how engaged he was in what was for him a tedious project. Then after all that work I caught him eating it. He just went to town on that cereal.

Recently he's been making the manly right of passage into the world of standing up while going potty.

The other day he thought I should give it a try. At first I panicked thinking I am not ready for this conversation, until I realized he was not asking for an anatomy lesson he was just making a suggestion. So I calmly responded, I am girl and I don't stand up only boys do, like you and daddy. This answer was more than adequate for him.
He has become quite the little secretary too.

He has answered my cell phone twice. Out of all the times that my mom or J call me BOTH times he answered it was a client. YIKES! The first time it happened I was in the kitchen singing my heart out as he ran in holding up the phone towards me. Then he yelled, mommy your PHONE! When I saw the number of the connected call I freaked out and hung up the phone. Then I looked at Z with the biggest most frightened eyes he has probably ever seen and I asked him, "Um, sweetheart, did you call them or did they call you?" and he matter-of-factly said "Nooo, they called YOU, mama." I just about died, when I wondered what they had heard. I put the sing in embarrassing. I called back and the lady was really nice, she had kids of her own. Now I just need to remember to place my phone out of reach.
I guess that's enough Z stories for one post all though I could go on and on all day... just like him.

I just got caught up reading your last 3 posts. So wonderful to read. :) I love the top one of Zion and "Miss Dona" (as Daisy calls her) is so cute with that happy face in all the pics.
I used to tell Chris it was a good thing I loved our boy so much, because he was a mess!! But what a beautiful mess! I'm so glad for you that you're putting all this down in writing, because I've forgotten so much! I have plenty of memories of cute things, but I'd love to remember even MORE! Z reminds me so much of Cody, with his silly little antics & actions.
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