My little helper.
1. The way she sticks out her tongue all the time.
I think she is feeling her new teeth, but she does this all the time and it's so cute.

2. Her Pterodactyl noise.
She is always squealing by sucking in her breath. It's been her trade mark from the beginning.

3. Her teeth!
She has already decided to take the path less traveled by the order in which her teeth have come in. She has 5 total. 3 on bottom, 2 on the top, but still no front teeth! She has been compared to a walrus, vampire, and old man.

It's hard to get a photo of a smile big enough to show all her teeth, but this shows the order they appeared in.
4. Her pouty face.
Every baby knows how to tug on your heart strings when they want something and SJ is no exception.

My dad took this photo when she was missing her mama!
5. Big eyes.
One of the first thing anyone comments on are her big eyes. She is always so wide eyed, which reflects her adventurous personality. It's like she thinking "if I could just open my eyes a little more I could take it all in!"

At the rate she's going I won't be surprised if I will be writing about her first steps in a couple months. Until then, I will enjoy this stage where I can still keep up with her!

She is ridiculously CUTE!!!! And, um, how did she get so big so fast???
Aw, she's growing up so fast!! Adorable!
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