Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On The Bright Side

I have had a lot of photo shoots this week, including two today. It got me thinking about how much I love my job. That was going to be me my thankful post today, until today happened.

It's crunch time for the magazine. Assignments are due by tomorrow, so today I had to go out in the country to get some shots of some young motocross racers.

The youngest was barely 7 and she was adorable.
Then I went from the sticks to the city were I had a private job photographing some people at a country club. I won't go into details because even if there are only 3 people that read my blog this is still the world wide web and I can't risk having the wrong person see this. Let's just say the night began with drinking and ended with someone writing me an upside down check. They filled it out in all the right places, but it was upside down. I didn't look at it until later and so I can't cash it. It's been a tiring day. I can't say that I feel all that thankful for work right now, but I am. What I am really thankful for though is that tomorrow is a Holiday and I won't be working at all. Yea.

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Wow. Well, at least one of the shoots went well!

RYC~I forgot about that line or it totally would've worked! & it would've been WAY less cheesy!