This weekend has been full of adventures here in messy land. I already shared about our sleepless shopping spree. Well, the next day I had a friend over who had showed some interest in getting in on this coupon craziness. So I started showing her the ropes, including dumpster diving at my favorite recycling receptacle. I think what happened was that someone called the cops to report us, because a police car comes driving around the corner straight towards us as if we were their destination. Then the cop (a handsome young one, to help you are trying to get a mental picture) gets out and asks "are you donating are taking?". I sheepishly reply "both?". Then he starts lecturing about how these items are not up for grabs and he stops mid sentence and squints at the paper retriever. Then he says "is this one of those cardboard paper things..." he looks in to see mounds of paper and shouts out in a frustrated tone "Oh my god, you're kidding me" then he looks at us and says "Never mind." I apologize and say we are going to leave, but he assures me that we can stay and that we are fine.
I think they were under the impression that we were raiding a donation box for the children's home or something. We still decided to call it a night after that. We had gotten plenty of inserts at that point anyway.
Now that you now what I've been up to, here are some of the fruits of my labor.

I got $53.29 worth of stuff for 64 cents and I am ready for more!
That's a lot of loot for a little dinero.
I can't believe you dumpster dive for coupons, though! I never, ever would have thought of that...then again, I've never, ever been very good at couponing, either.
I call dibs on the Thermacare and Advil P.M. I'm glad you didn't get thrown in the slammer over it all.
I sometimes wear the crown of the coupon queen, but sometimes I just don't have the willpower. My store doubles coupons and puts on super amazing sales. I once paid $135, in actual cash, but I got $136 worth of stuff for free!
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