Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

This past weekend was so packed. Not only did we attend the art festival and do a photo shoot, but we also did several rounds of Halloween festivities.

Friday we went trick or treating in the square downtown where the church/coffee shop had a booth set up.

Some girls from our church dressed up as the Little House On The Prairie sisters.

Who wouldn't want to give this little cowboy some candy?

Siblings sticking together in the large intimidating crowd.

Then Saturday morning we went to the SPCA Bow wow Halloween hustle to see all the pooches in costume and I just happened to bump into one of my clients.
Can you believe this dog looked like this the first time I photographed him?

Sunday evening we visited a few our neighbors going door to door showing off the kids costumes.

Then we went to the church to catch the tail end of the Light Fest which included bounce houses, train rides, candy, balloons and more.

That's me in a wagon full of kids.

Somehow Z ended up with a giant Hannah Montana balloon that sings "The best of both worlds". He loves to sing and dance to it over and over. It was cute the first time. Now, well let's just say you can feel sorry for me.

In the end it was an exhausting but fun weekend (I believe I said that already a couple posts ago, but it's still true). Between all four outings shown above Z accumulated around 100 pieces of candy.
He is too young to count and brag so I thought I would do it for him.


{amy} said...

What a fun but exhausting weekend!! & goodness, that dog is huge!

Anonymous said...

I love the little house on the prairie sisters. Great idea.