Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in simpler times. Like back in the 1800's. You wouldn't have to worry about the added expenses and malfunctions of technology, but there would be other issues like not having enough rain for harvest season or your horse getting rabies or something. Not exactly stuff you can take to the genius bar at your local Mac store. So maybe I am better off where I am at.
As far as the situation I am currently in, the power cord I ordered came in today so I can at least get on my computer now. In fact, here some of the duck photos that I mentioned I was in fear of loosing.
I burnt some popcorn last week. You know you are a bad cook when you ruin microwave popcorn. The instructions clearly say stay and listen (there is even a little cartoon drawing in case you can't read!)
But I didn't follow the instructions and stay and listen, both things which can have serious consequences in life. Anyway, I tried to eat the popcorn. I tried to feed it to my children, but none of us really appreciated the extra "doneness" of it. That's where the ducks come in. We went to the lake fed the burnt popcorn to the ducks and I think all parties involved had a great time.
Moral of the story, besides stay and listen, if life gives you lemons make lemonade and if life gives you burnt popcorn go to the park and feed the ducks. I still have no idea what the end result of my computer situation will be, but looking at these picture reminds me that it will all turn out okay.

Feeding ducks as a family and enjoying a beautiful day is one of my finer things. That's why I am linking up with Finer Things Friday over at Amy's Finer Things. Check it out.
LOL, I have teardrops rolling down my face from laughing. Poor ducks.
I know what you mean about the simpler times, though I must say I'd hate to deal with Aunt Flow's visits back then! I hope you're able to make enough to replace your computer! I wish I had some extra $ to by your SLR!
I DO think about living in the 1800's and I wish my life were much simpler. For sure. I think what I miss most is neighbors actually having relationships. I have no one nearby me that I actually get to see and visit. It's my dream to meet a mommy that is a disorganized, loves kids, blogging person. :) I'll just keep dreaming.
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