Tomorrow is my baby's first birthday and I am the one that got the big package in the mail.
It's 180 diapers, which for a cloth diapering mom should last a REALLY LONG TIME. This was the first time I have spent any money on diapers for her. I received about 7 packages of disposables when she was born. At first I only used about one or two disposable diapers a week, now that she is a more heavy wetter and eating solids we are at about a diaper a day (some days I use a few if we are out all day, other days I don't use any). The best part is that I got this whole box of diapers for $9.00. I heard about a really great deal on amazon from passionate penny pincher and I used a $10.00 coupon along with swag bucks to make it a steal!

Now that I have done cartwheels about coupons and diapers allow me to vent for just a moment. I had a Facebook friend who is expecting for the first time and asked for tips from anyone who used cloth diapers. I shared my advice and I read this comment from one of her other friends
Now, I would never suggest cloth diapers are for everyone and as you can see by the giant package of diapers in the photo above I am not anti disposables, but I found this comment to be a bit offensive. Not only is that not true that soap and water cost more than what you save, but is that really how cloth diaper users are perceived? That we spend all our time dumping poop and washing diapers? I have been using cloth diapers for over 3 years straight and if the messy mom can manage it then I can assure you that it is not overly time consuming. In no way do I feel like it is robbing me of moments with my children, certainly not anymore than FACEBOOK! Sometimes I even have my little ones helping me getting diapers from the washer to the dryer or running around outside while I hang them on the clothes line. If I find an amazing deal on disposables like I did this week then I can get it, if not no worries. I don't have to budget diaper costs.
Thanks to this second round of cloth diapering I haven't spent any cash on diapers for the first year of my baby girl's life and that makes me happy. Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to "swishing poopies" down the toilet.
This post will be linked to other money saving ideas at LIFE AS MOM.
That frustrates me so much. I think we spent about $60 -$80 a month on disposables with Amanda and Gabriel. at best that works out to what? $720 a year on Diapers?
When I bought the fabric to make Bella's diapers I spent about $150 total for 1 years worth of diapers. I garantee i didn't spend$600 on laundry soap. lol
What a poor perception. In my opinion Cloth diapers>Disposable diapers. Makes potty training easier Cheaper. Healthier. Enviornmentally friendly. No they aren't for everyone. But one shouldn't judge another on making a decision that is best for them.>end rant.
Sorry thats a soft spot for me. Now that we can afford it and Bella's getting ready to potty train full time, I am seriously considering putting her back into cloth.
lesson to be learned: when you don't know about something thoroughly, don't give your opinion. :/ i guess we all have stereotypes of different peoples, i know i have! it's a good opportunity to gracefully educate others, and at the same time not care what they think. :)
Whaaaaaaaat? That is a kinda crazy thing to say. There's no way I spend upwards of $700 a year on soap and water. And God knows the 2 minutes it takes me to spray off an extra icky diaper or the 3 minutes to throw them in the wash doesn't interfere with much mommy-ing. I've heard the same argument about environmentalism. SO not true. The extra load of laundry every other day does not add up to he same thing as throwing them in a landfill, not to mention the energy it takes to create the diapers, and then deliver from plant to store and then again to my own home.
I am considering giving up Facebook for Lent for this reason, in part. I find I waste time on it, but I also tend to see things like this (remember the breastfeeding WAR on my page?) and get really offended or frustrated. :) My blog is more a positive force for me in part since most of my readers agree with my parenting ideas - which I know makes me sound pretty closed-minded, but you know what I mean.
I am too scared to use disposables. Just because even though I have 6 kids, I still get grossed out cleaning the diapers. I disagree with that person's comment though. It's like they were making those mom's look bad.
I would think that comment was a bit offensive, too! And I think it's ignorant when people judge others on stuff like that, especially when they don't have their facts right! & I love what you said about it not taking any more time away from your kids than facebook! :D
I meant to thank you for your comment on my blog! I hadn't realized it at the time, but yes Chris was diagnosed on September 3rd, so it was right before Z's 1st b-day. Thank you so much for your love, prayers & support! <3
I do cloth and disposables too. Hate when I start using disposables (because of rain, I like to line dry), because I get hooked on the convience! I would say I spend more time with my kids cloth diapering, because of the cleaning off the poop. They sit and watch me and talk with me...I'm in one place for more than 10 seconds! Imagine that! And, as everyone knows, soap and water are cheap (especially with how little soap you use with cloth!) Amber
I love my cloth diapers! I owe it all to you, Natalie. When I visited you when Z was born, I asked you about them and did so much research after that. Thank you:) I am the only one in my family and of my friends that cloth diaper and I wouldn't change it for anything. MY kids are better for it, the earth is better for it and the people I have bought them from, which are usually moms benefit from the money, which also helps their families. I have a diaper sprayer, so it takes me a total of 30 seconds to spray off any poo and I wash every other day, so very little time is spent on cloth. We have less trash at home and I'm not having to run to the store when I run out, which uses gas and more time and money then being at home. Using cloth also introduced me to other things that are better, chemical free cleaning, recycling, reusable bags and reusable potty training undies. I have used disposables before but really don't like to if at all possible. I think it is what works for you and your family. I think if someone doesnt know both sides of anything, then they don't have a say. Oh and thats such a great deal, Natalie. Your such a good deal finder/money saver.
I love the deals on Amazon! Our #2 is due on April 2nd, and I just scored a box of 256 Luvs for $7.77! Not too shabby... ;-) I have a SIL who is hardcore about cloth diapering, which is her own choice. It's all about what works best for each her own. :-)
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