Monday, March 14, 2011

Z's Language

My sister in law remembers when her baby girl started to properly pronounce spaghetti. It was a day of mourning for her because it was all she had left to cling to in the world of baby talk. I understand her sentiment. I remember when Z called his elbows elmos and his bear was a beer, but now he says these words clearly and he even calls his sister by her name (Sedona) instead of calling her donut like he had for so long. That's not to say that the fun is completely over. At the tender age of 3 there are still a few words left that he mispronounces and I smile every time I hear them.
Let's see how well you can interpret the language of Z. I will even give you a hint for each one.

1. Nuffin= A breakfast pastry
2. Bajambas= You wear to bed
3. Yes Man= The polite way to answer a female
4. Gwirl= Not a boy
5. Prooter= What I am typing on right now
6. Tickle= An evolved cucumber
7. Mugick= What listen to on your ipod
8. Moat= Goes with the TV
9. Taybo= What you set for dinner
10. Chickmunks, Lightning Da Queen, and Shrak= Popular Animated Characters

I am sure you probably guessed all of those, but I will go ahead and leave the answers in the comments section just in case.


Zion said...

1. Muffin (this makes for lots of funny sentences like "I smell nuffin")
2. Pajamas
3. Yes ma'am
4. Girl
5. Computer
6. Pickle (One of his favorite movies is Dave and the giant "tickle")
7. Music
8. Remote Control
9. Table
10. Chipmunks, Lightning McQueen, and Shrek

Staceemaree said...

Love your list!

Thanks for your comments on "The Family Ringmaster" on posts "I'm SO Done" and "Worth It". You didn't offend me at all, in fact, you inspired me! :) Keep it up!

{amy} said...

I figured them out, but mostly b/c of your clues! I miss my babies & all their cute mispronunciations!

I love that your dad has songs for people, too! I knew I liked him!! ;)

Alicia said...

So cute! :D Kids are so squeezable.

Amy Bennett said...

Aw I was thinking about this the other day about my daughter. She used to say "sank you" for thank you.

Momma of The B.M.C. Report said...

This list is so GREAT! It reminds me of my boys and makes me smile! I love this age!

Virginia Revoir said...

Soooo cute! I get sad when they start pronouncing words correctly too. They used to say

*Badabees (batteries)

*Hannah Botana (Montana)

*Compooter. Heh heh