I do not have a green thumb, at all. I try to grow things and end up killing them. Fortunately there are plenty of things that bloom on their own around here and I get to reap the benefits. Out of all the trees and flowers in my yard the redbud is my favorite. I don't know why it's called that when it's actually purple, but either way it's pretty. These aren't the type of flowers that would typically go in a vase or bouquet, but I think they're too gorgeous not to let them mingle indoors this time of year.
A couple of weeks ago when it wasn't 50 degrees, the kids and I went outside to get some flowers and sunshine.

That's Z carrying stick in his mouth!

All of the redbuds, gladiolas, and daffodils shown in these photos are dead now (indoors and out), but that just makes me all the more grateful for ceasing the opportunity while we had it. Of course spring has just begun and there is plenty left that has yet to bloom.
I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but don't forget to take some time this season to stop and smell the roses, or accept a bouquet of dandelions, or even stick some blossoming branches in vase.
Works for me.
For more works for me wednesday posts go to we are that family. I am post #200 something. Better late than never right?
Love those beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing the photos :)
How awesome to have such beautiful trees & flowers growing in your yard! I think the branches look great in a vase! Good idea!
That branch of blooms couldn't look more perfect. I just love the treatment on the wall behind the flowers. How Tuscan. I want it!
I am soooo glad I saw this--I have a redbud tree and I never thought to bring some branches inside. They are just beautiful! Thank you!
Okay, I'm showing my husband your wall treatment (behind the branches). You must tell me... is it wallpaper, or a paint treatment? Email me please, at staceesmail@lycos.com
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