Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Not Exactly the Food Network

I decided to pull out all the stops for this little freezer cooking series by creating my first ever low budget cooking show (otherwise known as home movie). Although this clip may be reminiscent of the old SNL Delicious Dish sketches there are some parts that may be worth your time, but please don't take us too seriously.

And here is a little overview of the tips we share.

1. Label your freezer meals so that you know what they are when they are rock solid and unrecognizable.
2. Allow your food to cool completely before putting it in a plastic bag because it will melt (we learned that the hard way).
3. Avoid recipes with mayonnaise, fruit, potatoes, or mushrooms. They don't seem to reheat so well.
4. Make sure you don't try to cook a whole months worth of meals alone.
5. Be sure to have fun and enjoy yourself.

Everyone seems to have different ways that they do their freezer cooking, but those are some of the things that have worked for me.

Get more helpful tips and tricks over at Works For Me Wednesday by We are that Family.


{amy} said...

Thanks for the tips! I'm going to my friend's house today & plan to strike up the "freezer cooking" conversation again! & I love how SJ was having fun with Z running circles around you! :D

Erynne Nicole said...

LOVE it! I used to have a lot of fun freezer cooking with my mom when she did it. We've talked about doinbg it again for both of us but never gotten around to it. ^_^

Kristina said...

Good tips!

Virginia Revoir said...

Thank you for sharing this because I want to start doing this. :)

Momma of The B.M.C. Report said...

I am loving your tips. With three boys I know this would be such a great thing for me to do!!

Mom2fur said...

Great video! Wow, your mom is so young-looking! And the kids--total cuteness. The little guy with the glasses, I could eat him up.
Now, regarding potatoes: I've had great success with freezing twice-baked potatoes. I think in all cases the problem is water content in the food (except mayo--not sure why mayo doesn't freeze well).
Ha, ha: 'don't cook on a busy day.' You have kids. What day is NOT busy, LOL?

Virginia Revoir said...

that was a great video!