Monday, August 16, 2010

2nd Annual Blogiversary Poem Part 1

For my newer readers you may not even know that I built this blog by writing on a different topic each week. This concept fell to the wayside when my newborn came into the picture, but I am ready to get it going again. Last year I wrote a 5 part poem with each line reflecting the topic for all 52 weeks that I had been blogging and it was such a hit! Okay, fine it was actually a huge pain in the butt to pull off and only one person commented (thank you very much Becky). But what can I say, I am a gluten for punishment and I've decided to make it an annual tradition. So here is a rhyming recap of the past 52 weeks of blogging.

On week one I wrote a long poem, a lot like what I am doing right now

Then I wrote about hospitality and all of the people that came to our house

Week 3 was a pregnancy update, when I shared the first photo of my new baby!

The next topic was kid’s movies. Do I watch too many of these? Well, maybe.

Week 5 was all about Z turning 2, He got his first haircut courtesy of mama

Week 6 I talked about TV like the whole Taylor Swift and Kanye West drama

I then read a book called belly laughs, and used pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy

On Week 8 we were recovering from Z surgery and life was just a little bit crazy

It was week 9 when we guessed the baby’s sex even though most of us were wrong

The next week I shared my mom life crisis and some of things I do all day long

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Yay for blogiversary poems!! I'd like to say that I'll write one real quick for mine this week, but I think it'd be too much work! I'll enjoy reading yours, though!! ;)