Just in case!?
Just in case you break the DVD and you never get to watch it again?
I don't understand.
Or he'll say "I want a banana just in case." His other one is "I was wrong about you." I think they say this in one of the Toy Story movies, but regardless he says it to me all the time in his squeaky nasally little voice "Mama, I was wrong about you."
What I am beginning to learn is that I was wrong about me too.
When I was a little girl I said I would never get married. No one believed me and they would tell me someday you will meet a guy, fall in love, and you'll change your mind. At 5 years old I was disgusted by the idea and DETERMINED to prove them all wrong.
Fast forward 13 years. I got married about as quick as I possibly could. So I was wrong about me, but what did I know, I was only 5.
I used to think that photography was not an art and would say that photographers were wannabe artists that couldn't draw. Now I am one, but I said that in High School so what did I know.
About 10 years ago I would have told you that I was not interested in cloth diapers, or home birth, and was on the fence about epidurals.
Anyone that knows me knows that 2 kids later I am a cloth diapering fool, and natural birth junkie. So I was wrong again. But still, I wasn't a mom yet, so what did I know.
I have always said I would never homeschool. I have dear friends that do and do it well, but I don't think I ever could. Then again, what do I know? Although, seriously, I don't plan on it.
Tomorrow I will be posting about how I was wrong about breastfeeding. Lets just say I guess I don't know myself that well.
So maybe next time I hear that little voice say "Mama, I was wrong about you" I can just say, "yeah, me too" just in case.

This post is linked up with Mary at Giving Up On Perfect She used to think blogging about your life was egotistical and not something she would ever get into, but as it turns out she was wrong too!
1 comment:
I love this post, Natalie! I used to think I would NEVER be a stay-at-home mom. Well, as of this October, that's exactly what I'll be. (I'll be freelancing and sending my daughter to morning preschool, but still.) I think it's kind of cool to see the ways I've proven myself wrong! :)
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