Okay so maybe the image isn't that bad, but it says welcome to the messy mom and it is not the messy mom! I feel so violated. I panicked a little and eventually found out that some poachers had a way to get my domain name at midnight when it expired and want $50 for me to get it back. It's really wrong what happened. I have been building my blog and readership for 2 years now. I have poured my heart and soul into it, and although it may not be the most amazing or popular blog ever it's the one thing I do for myself. It's my little time to sit down and write and unwind and it was taken right out from under me by people that don't care about the name AT ALL! As tears are streaming down my face my little boy asks me what's wrong and I tell him that I lost my domain name. I didn't have the energy to explain it to him in his terms. Later on he looked at me with his big brown eyes and said "You sad mommy. I'm sorry you lost your name. Can I make you happy?" He gave me a kiss and asked if that made me happy. I said "yes, of course that makes mommy very happy." He sure can be a little monster, but his heart even at 2 years old is enormous. It keeps me grounded in moments like these.
Anyway, in all of this I lost my "THE" and so instead the messy mom I am just messy mom, which actually is the name I wanted when I started 2 years ago, but it wasn't up for grabs back then. Obviously as you other bloggers know there are some severe ramifications to all of this. Through site meter and followers I estimate I have at least 50 regular readers. Not an earth shattering amount, but more than the zero readers I have as I write this. Most of the people I know personally do NOT read my blog so I can't just send out an email or something. I had big plans for my blogiversary poem this week, but I am going to hold off on that and take a week to hopefully find these little lost sheep and redirect traffic as best as I can. I also need to change my header and signature, and BLAH I am dreading it already. Any tips are greatly appreciated. Sorry to inconvenience everyone. Thanks for your support and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment and let me know that you have found the new site. Thanks.

Blogger picked it but didn't at the same time. It's weird. It doesn't show this post in the reading list, & if you click your blog title, it goes to the wrong place. But, if you go to manage it, it shows the correct address, & if you click that, it goes to the right place. How weird! If you redirect the blogger domain in your settings, will that change your followers?
Btw ~ Elly loves your background & said that if she had a blog, she would want it to look like this! :)
& Zion is so sweet!!
OK, sorry to inundate you with messages, but Chris said it's propagating & should be all worked out within 24-48 hours!
Wow, that sucks. It took me a little searching, but I found your "new" blog! I appreciate your posts even though I don't know you and was glad to see you hadn't deleted the whole thing.
Amy- Thanks so much for all of your help. I knew if anyone would understand the "emotional" side of how this has affected me it would be you, and if anyone would understand the technical side it would be Chris ;)
Kristina- Awesome! Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.
Showed up in my dashboard when you redirected it if thats what happened. I had your post show up that you were moving, though not this particular one, but I changed the address in my blog list.
why would they want your name??? it doesn't really even coordinate with what's on their site! i'm so sorry :( i still don't understand how it happened, though. do all blog names "expire"?
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