Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The answer to yesterday's question " what retro driven 2004 film ends with a post credit song in which the first line is I Love Technology" is Napolean Dynamite, when Kip sings to his bride LaFawnduh "I love technology, but not as much as you you see, but I still love technology. Always and Forever."

Today I was using an old mechinical pencil that I found and I wondered if anyone ever uses them anymore. Then I wondered if anyone uses pencils anymore. Or has everything gone paperless? It's certainly seems to be heading in that direction. I can't complain, I have horrible handwriting and pencils are kind of dangerous.

People are typing in place of writing, emailing in place of sending letters, and texting in place of talking.

I've talked about my texting deficiency before, and I am pretty old school when it comes to communication, but I am gradually being sucked in as opportunity arises. Although, I feel like I need an instruction manual in order to get the hang of it. I am not even talking about the technical aspects, I know how to use my phone. It's all the other stuff.

First of all how am I supposed to know what all the acronyms mean? Just when I think I am starting to catch on I text something like "I am in the church nursery today. WTH?"
Which to me would mean "I am in the church nursery today. Want to help? but to those of you who know about these abbreviations, know that that is not how it translates.

Then there is the text etiquette, or textiquette as I like to call it. For example, I am driving a long and I get a text from a client. I AM VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED TO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING! I can not stress that enough, but I had my babysitter in the car and after she read the message I asked if she could text back, because driving or not she's a teenager I know she could get the job done faster than I could. So I told her to reply with
Okay, that all sounds good.
I will see you tomorrow at 6:00 pm.
LUCKILY around the time that I said tomorrow she said "I am just going to put the #2 morrow." and I responded slightly frantic "oh no no, please spell it all out, this is a business exchange."
With a look of surprise she starts dialing like crazy and says "Ohhh, then I need to start all over" Apparently she had typed out,
"OK! That all sounds good. I will C U 2morrow."
I am so glad I caught it, because that would have been humiliating to me, but to each their own maybe the recipient wouldn't have thought anything of it.

Lastly, T9 doesn't know me AT ALL. If it was as good at predicting my life as it was at predicting my text it would probably say that tomorrow I am going to go to the gym. Even when I did have a gym membership that would have been a terrible prediction.

Do you have any texting pet peeves or rules of textiquette that you follow? Or are you like me a part of the endangered species of non texters?


{amy} said...

My biggest text peeve is when all they type is "K"! & I think, "I wasted a text for THAT?!" The whole autocomplete thing irritates me at times. It comes up with some really random words ~ sometimes due to typos on my part, but other times it just assumes I mean a different word that isn't anywhere NEAR a commonly used one!

{Elly uses mechanical pencils, but I don't know if anybody else does!}

Anonymous said...

I don't text at all. Someone I know would rather spend a hour fixing the printer and write something down. We joke about the ancient writing tools. :)

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I love mechanical pencils. :)

I've slowly started texting some, but I refuse to sign up for a texting plan on our phones. That means we pay for each text - and THAT means we don't waste time texting when we could just CALL!

Anonymous said...

we must stick together and only text when necessary! :P the other day i thought "i wonder if cursive handwriting is even taught in schools anymore?" i've also decided that every couple months i'm going to sit down and write a letter to a friend (i wrote letters ALL the time in high school, so it's something i enjoy). it may be ancient and time consuming, but i feel like it's necessary to keep things a little personal. :)