I can actually relate to his character. I've never been an obsessive compulsive neat freak, but my list of phobias as a child was not normal. Fortunately I grew out of these fears around the age of twelve.
Here are the Top Ten Things I used to be scared of...
1. Claymation
excerpt from December 2008 blog post "Christmas Movies"
"Ever since I was little the clay creations scared me. These days I can tolerate them somewhat, but I still find it all to be a little bit creepy."
2. Sloth from Goonies
3. Jesus coming back
This probably had to do with some vintage rapture movie, but I have talked to many other people that as children worried about the hour of Christ's return.
4. Heights
This included the upper level of the mall.
5. Elevators and escalators
Speaking of heights, these two methods of "going up" TERRIFIED ME. I was always afraid they would malfunction.
6. Crossing the street in Cincinnati.
I was born in Covington, which is just outside of Cincinnati, the city overwhelmed me. A trip to the city made my 7 year old blood pressure go up.
7. High School
Excerpt from August 2008 blog post "High School, not so bad after all"
"When I was younger we would drive past a high school and I would become very fearful. I dreaded the day I would have to go there, like it was some kind of penitentiary. I guess when you're small the building looks like it is the size of New York city and the teenagers seem so intimidating. With their crazy punk styles and rebellious attitudes. I knew I would never survive High School."
8. Driving
Most people look forward to the day they get to operate a vehicle I dreaded it!
9. Bees
I was/maybe still am allergic to bee stings. I saw My Girl in the theater when I was 9. At the end (spoiler alert) the girls best friend played by Macaulay Culkin dies from an allergic reaction to bee stings. I freaked out, and my dad had to carry me out of the theater blubbering uncontrollably!
10. Truck Drivers
I know this one might seem justified, but stereotypes aside my best friends dad and close family friend was a truck driver and he was a great man, but he scared me.
The reason I post this is because now my little Monk-like phobias are comical to me. I can remember the fear and at that time it was very real, very sensible, but I can look back on it in retrospect and see that I had nothing to worry about. I was safe all along. I wonder how many of my current fears are just as silly. It may be time to stop worrying so much and know that God is in control.

Check out Oh Amanda for more Top Ten lists.
Boy can I relate! Actually I still have these phobias, some to a higher degree then others but I like to think as an adult the irrational ones have definitely faded! (Oh and I love Monk!)
I am afriad of the bees- I have never been stung and maybe My Girl also played apart in my fear, I still don't like that movie much! I was excited and scared of driving, excited until I realized I was in control of this huge piece of machinary that had the power to harm others or myself! I was and still am terribly afraid of spiders!! Even smaller ones freak me out, and I will scream and hubby comes running knowing exactly what to expect!!
Great post!
Okay, your last one cracked me up because my husband is a truck driver!! But not the scary kind, I promise. (My Uncle George is also a truck driver and he IS the scary kind who terrified me as a kid!)
And...I LOVE the Claymation Christmas special!
But bees are terrible things, and they scare me, too!
Your truck driver one reminded me of my fear of vans. Nothing good ever happened in those in movies!
I can relate to some of them - my born-again Christian mom would always tell me the world was going to end in the year 2000, so you can imagine how 12/31/99 was for me.
I was attacked by a swarm of bees once, so I get very upset and scared when one is near me.
Fears are only silly to those who don't have them!
Claymation...haha, that cracks me up.
I can relate to several of these, but I must say I've never been afraid of claymation!! :)
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