Monday, May 25, 2009


Whew, I can't believe this is the last week of May, which means that my life will return to some sense of normalcy. Whatever that means. This has been the busiest month in the history of my photography business. Of course I knew this going into it so I had made arrangements for Z to be taken care of while I was off working.

It has been a bitter sweet experience, because on one hand you have heard my feelings about every mom needing a break from the kids, on the other hand I don't like the idea of him being away so much. Give me a couple months and I will have to come back to this post in the midst of one of Z's terrible temper tantrums and I can remind myself that I do miss him when he is gone.

Right now Z and J are camping out and I am alone for a few days. A week ago Z was just coming in from visiting Kentucky with my parents, and a couple weeks before that he stayed with J's parents for 4 days. I am glad that he has gotten to spend some quality time with his grandparents and his dad. May has had no shortage of adventures for the little guy. I can't wait to hear about how the camp out went. Until then I guess I will just soak in the silence and enjoy having personal space.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Whew! I just had a weekend alone and it was good for the soul. Enjoy!