Friday, May 8, 2009

The Blog

All week I have talked about some of the creative mediums of internet entertainment and I just don't think I could go any further without mentioning the mighty blog. Ree Drummond, a.k.a. The Pioneer Woman, may have gotten her name from her life on the ranch, but she has also been a pioneer for mom blogs all over the world.

Personally, I just don't get it. What is so special about The Pioneer Woman? I do love her writing style and she certainly has an intriguing story about how she went from the posh city life to settling down in "the middle of nowhere on a working cattle ranch". Okay, and maybe she does have some amazing recipes and granted the photographs that she takes of these recipes and her life on the ranch are just stunning, but still what more could she possible offer? Oh yeah, she's funny, beautiful, and home schools her four children while keeping up with one the most successful blogs on the internet all the while appearing to be totally approachable and down to earth.
FINE. I'll admit it, she's amazing. Goodness, let's move on.

As much I can say all that about the pioneer woman I will admit to feeling a little overwhelmed by the complexity of the blog. I could drown in a sea of 400+ comments per post, that is why most of the time you are likely to catch me frequenting smaller simpler blogs of people that I know. Or sometimes it's just people that I feel like I know after having brief exchanges online like The Thrifty Mama or Suburban Matron, but watch out Becky and Crystal if you start getting hundreds of comments I might just jump ship. Not really, I would probably just brag that I started reading before the masses. Or maybe all this talk about the beauty of the entry level blog is just my way of plugging my own work. Oops.

Obviously blogging is a big part of my life, at least for now. The other day someone asked me if I had any hobbies and the first thing to pop into my head was blogging. If you haven't caught blog fever, watch out it's spreading like the swine flu.


Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

I'll try to make sure and keep all the masses away for you ;)

Becky said...

You are hilarious. And seconding what Crystal said: I don't think I'm going to have the problem of hundreds of comments per post, but if that does ever happen, I'll create a special VIP area for my charter members!

And I like PW too, but for some reason I don't read her often. Part of it may be the sheer hugeness of the website, and yes, the tons and tons of commenters. Makes Dooce seem intimate!