Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lost Season Finale

Okay all you Lost fans, last night we had our 2 hour season finale and I am still lost. At least they showed us what (or should I say WHO) was in the crate.

I do have a very small original Messy Mom theory. As far as the opening dialogue in last nights episode I think we saw some more symbolism that there is an ongoing war of good vs. evil. Jacob in the white shirt being "good" the one having mercy on what appears to be mankind even though the man in the black shirt says his efforts are pointless.

Of course at the end of the episode we see what we can only assume is the black shirt man appearing as John Locke, convinces Ben to kill Jacob. I see a lot more parallels here to support Jacob being a savior type character to the island, because like Jesus, he is loving, humble, but powerful, and he gives everyone a choice. In the Bible we know that Satan wants to destroy Jesus, but it doesn't work that way, as a spiritual being he doesn't have that kind of power same as Jacob and his enemy. What we know happens is the Bible is that Judas betrays his leader and Jesus is crucified. On Lost the evil character does not have the power to kill Jacob, so he uses Ben.

I find it interesting that Jacob seemed to know what was going to happen when Ben showed up in the statue, yet he still allowed to let Ben's selfishness, his "what about me" attitude to bring Jacob to his death. This also reminded me Jesus' crucifiction.

So of course we know it can't end this way. Evil will not win. Jesus' sacrifice although it was cruel and gruesome was all part of God's plan to redeem mankind. Does this mean that Jacobs death will somehow save the island? Will Jacob be resurrected? Will it be like Aslan in Narnia?

We will find out in January of 2010 for the 6th and final season when they final bring it all to a close. One last theory, I think the numbers, 4 8 15 16 23 42, which add up to 108, represents the number of unanswered questions we will have once the show is completely over. They have 17 episodes left to explain 5 seasons of mysteries, so I guess we'll see.


Becky said...

I like your theory, and I agree about the Christlike allegory bits. But I'm not for sure that Jacob is an unalloyed good guy yet. I just don't know who is pulling what strings. And when he spoke to Sayid on the street corner, I didn't know whether to see it as him saving Sayid, or letting Nadiya get hit by the car. I thought at first he was in on the plan to kill her. I dunno. Great episodes though.

Chuck & Chels said...

Mmmm, interesting. We've also been talking about the spiritual symbolism in Lost. And I, like you, am wondering, HOW are they going to tie up all the loose ends!

hannah said...

i felt like i was watching a "Final Destination" movie... everyone dying suddenly and in weird ways. so we have to wait until January!? they sure know how to make us wait...