Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swing Dancing

There are things that a man will do for you when you are dating that you can kiss good bye once you are married. I am just being honest. For J it is dancing lessons. I love dancing, J hates it. Luckily I reeled him in when we were dating. We took swing dancing lessons and although we never mastered the skills we still had fun trying out a few of our moves at our wedding reception.

If you are interested in swing dancing I highly recommend getting out there to see what is available in your area. You only live once right? As for my readers that live near DFW I can suggest a couple events.

The Vintage Flying Museum in Fort Worth holds an annual hanger dance for an evening of fun benefiting the museum. It is like going back in time. Everyone dresses in 1940's attire, some wear world war II uniforms, there is a live orchestra, and of course DANCING. Whether you know how to dance or not it is a blast! Here are some photos from when we went 4 years ago.

Here I am doing my best to look 1940's

One of my friends who actually is a professional ballerina and a very good swing dancer.

Is that Frank Sinatra? Nah, it's J, but I must say he is looking quite dapper.

Here he is with his best friend.

Here is another friend of mine. Can you guess who she is dressed as? Hint: "WE CAND DO IT"

Remembering the past

Some of the veterans.

Dancing the night away

I will post more details for the hanger dance and where you can go for group lessons below.

Let the dancing begin!

Or for weekly economical swing dancing check out-
Sons of Hermann Hall
Phone: 214-747-4422
Wednesday lessons from 8:00-9:00 practice until midnight
Cost: $5.00
Location: 3414 Elm St. Dallas TX 75226


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Wow - HOW FUN!! I wish we lived closer!

I went to an open swing dance lesson in college. They taught us how to tango. That was fun, but also a bit of a bummer since I wanted to swing! :)

Lexi said...

Oh fun! I am afraid I would be horrible. But one thing I do enjoy is square dancing...hahaha! Have you ever tried that? I really like it because there is a caller who tells you exactly what to do and if you mess up, no biggie, because everyone else is learning right along with you :) Fun times!

Chuck & Chels said...

that's so cool! i remember when Amy went to that. how fun! we also did some swing dancing when we were dating :)

{amy} said...

I remember going swing dancing for your birthday about 7 or 8 years ago! That was so much fun! :)

Becky said...

That looks like a fun time!

Right after we got married, I got my husband to sign up for ballroom dancing classes with me, and it was sort of fun, but for some reason we got into the worst fights after each class. It just did not bring up good things. Isn't that weird? 'Cause we never fight usually. So that was the end of our dancing career.