Friday, May 1, 2009

Saving Money On Babysitters

Whether you have to go work, want a night out with your husband, or just need a break in general, there are times in every mom’s life that she will have to find child care. The problem is how can anyone afford it?  Sure, some people are lucky enough to have relatives banging down the door begging to help, but not everyone  is that fortunate. Here are a few ideas that have worked for me.


  1. Swap Kids.

 I have already mentioned this 3 times this week. It’s a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” kind of deal, except apply it to watching your friends children in exchange for them watching yours.


  1. Pay with non-monetary gifts.


I brought this up when I blogged about the The Call of Coupons. Obviously, it will have to be someone special that is willing to baby sit for candy and beauty products, but it is resource you can use if you happen to have a stock pile of items on hand. I have done this before, although I should mention one more time, you have to know that the person that is helping is not someone looking for a paying job, but just wanting to help a mother in need. I babysat for groceries several times back when I was a newly wed.


  1.  Barter.


Bartering can go a long way. I don’t know how many times I have exchanged babysitting time for a photo session or prints. Just make sure you work out all the details ahead of time so that all parties involved feel like the exchange is fair.


  1. Hire someone youthful.


You want to know that your children are safe and well cared for by someone mature and responsible, but the general rule seems to be the older the sitter the more they charge. I know a girl that is a little too young to baby sit, but for 5 or 10 dollars she can come with me on a photo assignment, or just hang out around the house so that I can actually get things done. It is very helpful and saves me a lot of money.


  1.  Location, location, location.


Are you going to have to drive to pick up the sitter? Because that is going to cost you, so you might want to consider someone that lives close by, or that will come to you. If you are in a position were your children can go to the sitters house, choose someone that is in that direction. If I know I am traveling 30 minutes to get somewhere, I will try and find a friend or sitter in that area, otherwise I am paying for an hour of driving time.


These are just a few simple suggestions coming from a part time working mom on a tight budget that does not have family close by. I would also love to hear an ideas that you might have. Every little bit helps.  

For more ways to save check out "Frugal Friday's" at Life as

Life as


Niki Jolene said...

Good stuff there!


Frugal Sara said...

Great tips. I have 4 kiddos so I don't get baby sitters often, but I love your ideas!

By the way. I really like the colors of your blog. Very cool background!