Thursday, May 21, 2009

Belly Dancing

I mentioned swing dancing lessons yesterday and there is one other type of dance lessons I have taken (although it could also be considered aerobics) and that is belly dancing class. My Best Friend talked me into and in the end I was glad she did. Belly dancing is quite liberating.

I have a little video demonstration that I quickly put together about what I remember of the hand motions, and they are really simple. All you do is pretend you are holding a wine glass in each hand

then imagine dumping them out

and loop your hands back around to start again.

This video is possibly the most embarrassing thing I have ever done voluntarily and keep in mind that my level of expertise is coming from taking ONE class a few years ago, and going to a Lebanese restaurant where I watched the pros. Also, I don't know what the little cheer is at the end, but despite the empty wine glasses shown above their was no alcohol involved in the making of this clip. Now then, without any further disclaimers I present the messy mom belly dancing...


Michele R said...

OK that was totally adorable and perfect. I think I could do the hands and arms part, but could not do the hip action. Maybe if I drank the real wine before I turned over the wine glasses??

Chuck & Chels said...

HA! You're adorable, Natalie!

Becky said...

Ha! THAT WAS AWESOME! You are my hero! You totally look like you had it going on too.

And I think with sufficient actual wine, I could do it.

Melissa and Erin said...

you don't even know how hard i am laughing right now!:) you are awesome.