Friday, May 29, 2009

Denton, Louisville, Cincinnati, Quitaque...

Those are just some of the places that Z has visited this month.

It all started with a long weekend at the grandparents house. He always has fun with them, between the trampoline, horses, pool, 4 wheeler, and everything else there is to do on 12 acres, you can imagine he stays entertained. Of course the great out doors are great, but what really gets him goin' is playing Rock Band. He can play all night long, which is what they do at that house. My mother in law is the front runner and I won't say how old she is, but she does have several great grand children if that gives you an idea.

A couple weeks later was Z's big trip to Kenucky with his Memae and Pepae. He was able to visit with all of my family and friends that live up there. He managed to squeeze in a lot of fun for a short 4 day trip. Here he is at the aquarium.

Last weekend we took a road trip to West Texas to attend a wedding. I had to come back early to photograph a wedding, but J and Z went camping in the canyons. This was Z's first camping trip. From what I hear the part Z enjoyed the most was throwing rocks into the spring and saying "big splash!"

After all the jet lag, time change, and road trips I don't think Z will be traveling again anytime soon. He has had enough excitement to last quite a while.

1 comment:

Michele R said...

You have quite the "grown-up" 20 month old!! All these experiences are making a confident boy. That's pretty neat!