Monday, June 22, 2009

27 Chocolates

Your Golden birthday is the day that your birth DATE and your age are the same number. I learned on Wikipedia today that this is also known as a “grand birthday” or “star birthday”. Since my birthday is on the 27th my golden birthday would be when I turn 27. I have always looked forward to this special occasion and now the time has final come! My birthday is this Saturday and rather than celebrating in some memorable way I will be photographing a wedding.

I am glad to have the work, but I was a little discouraged to let my childhood dreams die like that. That is why I decided to celebrate all month long by eating something chocolate everyday leading up to my birthday. In some ways this isn’t much different than what I normally do, but I have tried to make it special by trying new things and revisiting some favorites.

Last week I went to a chocolatier in Dallas. I have always admired the building from afar, and this was my chance to check it out. I was like a kid with a golden ticket going to the chocolate factory with Charlie. Which seems appropriate since this is my golden birthday.

We picked out four different varieties which were wrapped up like jewelry in this little red box.

The little chocolates cost $15.00 which could probably buy a wholesome meal for an entire family, but at least I am helping support the economy and local businesses. It’s been a very tasty contribution.


Anonymous said...

I would like to do my part in helping you celebrate your birthday. I'll have chocolate every day this week and think of you LOL. Glad I could help.

Daddy-O said...

I have never heard of the "Golden Birthday." Fun Idea. Unfortunately I missed it. I would have had to celebrate it when I was a mere eleven years old.


Lexi said...

Oh...I LOVE chocolate, what a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday!

You have probably been before, but one of my favorite places to visit when I am downtown FW is Schakolad Chocolate factory! SO YUMMY! If you have never been, you need to check that place out!


Michele R said...

I have also recognized golden birthdays. Turning 18 was my special year. I just had two pieces of chocolate cake in your honor.