Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: A Michael Scott Moment

Keeping with the theme of Men Say The Darndest Things there is one moment in particular that stands out among all the others.

One evening we were at a benefit dinner and we just happened to run into a man that my husband had worked with. He introduced us to his wife and I think both of us were a little shocked. This guy was your typical business man probably in his early 40's and his wife was wearing what looked like an old prairie dress and had completely gray hair that was piled on her head almost like a bun. I hate to be mean, but this woman just looked too old to be his wife. So J without thinking blurts out "Really? This is your wife? I would not have guessed that!" quickly realizing what he had just said he tried his best to scrape his way out of the hole by saying "she looks so... so.. uh... angelic! And you are such devious guy."

J quivers if I bring this story up, but fortunately that was a long time ago and we never see those people anyway.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Oh my gosh, how mortifying!!! Good thing you don't have to see those people anymore!

Anonymous said...

that is HILARIOUS!

Lexi said...

Oh my, that was funny! It does probably help that you don't have to see them anymore. Hahaha!

Chris blurts out crazy things all the time...but most of the time he doesn't even try to cover them! He is a nut!

Michele R said...

LOL that is a serious example of saying out loud what is in his mind.