She has had so many milestones recently including her first tooth, sitting up, and her first meal.

Six month seems to be a big transition stage. We've moved the bassinet, swing and little baby blankets up to the attic and in they're place are now the exersauser, jolly jumper, and highchair. Our house has gone from being the newborn snuggle zone to the baby play center and she loves it.

She is starting to reach and grab anything and everything. I can't walk past a tabletop without her pulling a piece of paper or something off of it and I can't eat with her on my lap because she feels at liberty to help herself to whatever is on my plate. This is still one of my favorite ages though. She is pretty much stationary and easily entertained, but she's also becoming more playful and inquisitive.
I can't believe her first year is more than half way over!
1 comment:
6 months already?! Wow! Time has really flown by!
We're so funny with our "late" posts! & yes, that's the Cassie! Cody & I helped her clean & loaded up the van with stuff for Good Will, but we were more blessed ~ she loaded us up with cleaning supplies that she didn't have room for! (& the chair!)
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