This week I've been writing about changing with the times. My mom was holding an imaginary phone call with my toddler once. At the end of the conversation she says bye and she took her outstretched thumb and pinky and hung up the imaginary receiver. My son however said BYE and pushed a button on his imaginary phone. It was intriguing to see the difference between someone born in 1959 and 2007. My son may never “hang up” a phone in the literal sense because these days we just push end call. Times change.
I like what Oh Amanda had to say about blogs vs. magazines. We get information so much quicker online than if it were in print. I read The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging and Chapter 7, "How The Blogoshpere Is Remaking The Media" discusses a similar comparison between blogging and newspapers. Blogging is the new magazine, newspaper, baby book, cook book, journal (should I keep going?)
Speaking of blogging here are a few links I’ve stumbled upon recently.
First of all I started Twitter as a part of this whole changing with the times theme. Twitter and Tweeting may sound really cute, but don't let the name fool you, Twitter is a beast. Here are a couple articles written by Musings of a House Wife that I am hoping will help me tackle the beast, Twitter For Dummies and, 7 Ways to be Worth Following on Twitter
I also have been following From Texas To Ethiopia who has been waiting 2 years to get a baby girl from Africa and finally has custody and is back at home with her now! Here is the post about their first meeting.
Last but not least I LOVED this post that my friend Mama The Reader did about the feminist mother.
Check out more great links at It's Come 2 This, Saturday Stumbles.
Yay! So glad you're on Twitter now:) And anything that Musings of a Housewife says is basically spot on, so she's definitely a good one to take advice from!!
Thanks for linking up:)
Thanks for the link! I for one, love coming to your little magazine, journal, portfolio! :)a
I hadn't thought about how calls are ended these days! How funny!! Times sure have changed SO fast! I love how much information is at our fingertips & can't believe we used to manage w/o it!! I'll have to check out the other Saturday Stumbles when I get a chance!
Thanks for the Twitter for Dummies link. I signed up for Twitter several months back and, while I follow some people, I don't really understand it. And I have no idea how to start a tweet myself. LOL
Thanks for linking to me. Happy you liked it. :) I think when you switched over to the new url, you got left out of my google reader, so I am behind on your posts! I've got catch-up reading to do.
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