I was hesitant at first because I thought that you HAVE to start with rice cereal, but what I learned is that this is based solely on traditional practice and has no scientific evidence to support it. It dates back to over 50 years ago when people were feeding their infants at one month old. Since rice cereal is hypoallergenic it was the one thing that was well tolerated at this age. We now know that it was not the food, but the age that was conflicting. Turns out babies can do just fine for the first 6 months of life on breast milk alone (in fact they function best this way). For more information on this research you can check out this pediatric news article which is support by the AAP.
That being said here is a peak at SJ's first meal.
If you use an Avent pump I highly recommend these Avent storage containers. They are BPA free, they freeze (and can be thawed in hot water just like a bottle), you can write on them, and they work with the Avent pumps and nipples which really comes in handy.
Avocado is a great first food because they contain carbohydrates, protein, and unsaturated fatty acid, all of which babies need and unlike bananas that have porous skins, avocados have thick inedible skin that protect them from pesticides or funguses that could be harmful.

On top of all that they are SO easy to prepare. No cooking or even blending is necessary. Just mash up the avocado until smooth and creamy, add breast milk if desired and you've got yourself some homemade baby food!

This whole avocado adventure was a first for my baby girl. It has taken some time to get used to, but she never once cried or refused to eat. It has also been a first for me in that I have never made my own baby food before. I now have a husband that loves fajitas, a son that loves tortillas, and a baby that loves avocado. Can we say "Tex Mex"?
This post is linked up with Alicia's Homemaking and is a part of Try New Adventures Thursday. Check it out.
Ooooh, I love avocado. I've given it to our 10 month old several times.
Confession: The adults in the household (mainly ME) tend to eat up all the avocado before it reaches the baby!
At least he gets it second hand...(I still breastfeed)...
Thanks for linking up to TNAT! I loved your pictures. :)
Very cute post—love it. I’m glad you pointed out how many people do things (like the rice cereal) without asking WHY or researching it. For my kids, I knew that rice “backs me up” , so I never wanted to use rice cereal—just oatmeal.
I once saw a 6-yr old girl at the pool eat an avocado half with a spoon right out of the skin. I thought that was a perfect snack!
Avacados are one of those good fat for you foods!
Aw! Do you feel like she can't be old enough for real food?! I know I just said this, but they really do grow up fast! I totally did the whole rice cereal thing at 6 months, because that's what "they" said to do! Thank God for the internet, where information is so easy to access now! I think I would do a lot of things differently if I were raising babies now as opposed to 9-12 years ago!
RYC: I forgot to say that I know the man who started SYATP! He was the worship leader at our church when we first moved down here. He is now back in Burleson & is the pastor of Oak Grove Baptist. One other random fact ~ he was Kelly Clarkson's youth pastor! OK, & one other fact ~ our pastor is the man that issued the SYATP challenge to like 20,000 students in the Reunion Arena back in 1990!
I HOARD avocados and pretend they are for my son. He takes a bite, and I take, like, ten. Love them!
Neat! Avocado was one of the first foods we fed our first child too!
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