For my son's first and second birthday we threw him a party complete with decorations, pizza, cutsie cakes, and lots of people. They were fun and I plan on doing it again when our baby turns one in 6 months. However one thing I don't want is for my kiddos to expect some elaborate celebration that gets bigger each year. My plan (which is always subject to change) is to have a party about every other year. So this year we kept it simple, but still had a great time.
First of all here is a photo of the results of our Mickey Mouse waffles that I talked about yesterday

That evening we went to Grapevine Mills Mall and piled into this little train which I had told him a long time ago that he could ride on his birthday.

Then our little group went to the Rain Forest Cafe where we had dinner and he opened ONE present. Don't pity him he has gotten PLENTY of gifts, but he only got one for this occasion.

Then the servers came out to sing and we ate this volcano cake.
First of all here is a photo of the results of our Mickey Mouse waffles that I talked about yesterday

That evening we went to Grapevine Mills Mall and piled into this little train which I had told him a long time ago that he could ride on his birthday.

Then our little group went to the Rain Forest Cafe where we had dinner and he opened ONE present. Don't pity him he has gotten PLENTY of gifts, but he only got one for this occasion.

Then the servers came out to sing and we ate this volcano cake.

At the end of our meal this guy made him a fun elephant balloon.

And bada bing bada boom. It was that simple. No major planning or RSVPing, just a nice meal at the mall to celebrate 3 years of the sweetest little boy I know!
What about you? Do you have big parties every year or do you alternate? Or maybe you always just celebrate as a family?
The unparty works for me and is linked up with Works For Me Wednesdays over at We Are That Family.
It sounds like Z had a great birthday! We've had parties every year, but they're usually pretty small (not the entire class or anything)! For my kids, 10 is the last official "party" ~ where I plan events & stuff. After 10, they can have a few friends spend the night, & I'll make sure they have pizza & a cake or something. But the entertainment is up to them! I have friends who do it every other year, & I've never heard a complaint.
We do big parties each year. I actually love the party planning part and am usually ready to plan it 8 months in advance!! I think sometimes I am subconciously trying to make up for my lack of parties as a kid. I had some for my teen years, but because I threw them, not because my mom really did it for me. I like treating my kids to a big special day. Though this next year I almost want to do something simple because my husband will be gone for both kid's birthdays, but I know in the long run I will do a party and it will help keep me occupied while he is away :)
Happy Birthday Z!
i guess mine are just called "the repetitive party" - same thang every year. lol. i like amy's idea. :)
i wanted to add that i think the reason i do the same thing year after year is because i don't really enjoy party planning. i love having the people over and having fun but actually putting it together and hosting isn't my forte', but peter on the other hand is good at that.
Like I said my plans are always subject to change. I don't know what it will be like to have school age children. Also, what constitutes party to one person may be different to another. I just don't want to end up with the MTV super sweet 16. Ha ha.
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