Monday, September 13, 2010

Looking Both Ways

I am not a very organized individual. No surprise there I guess, BUT I am really into lists, goals, and planning. I like to look both ways before I cross seasons. Since summer is about to be over (or already is depending on technicalities) I figure this week is a good time to look back at some of the goals I have set for myself and look forward to what this next season will bring.

At the beginning of the year I made a list of 2010 goals. There is less than 4 months left before 2011. I like to think of it as 109 days because that makes it sound like I have more time to accomplish everything. Let's take a look at where I am at (EEK! I am scared.)

5. Couponing- Fail. I have bought the paper many times with high hopes of getting back in the saddle, but never managed to keep momentum. The other day my husband ran out of deodorant and he asked about the stockpile. Even J is missing the coupon savings and he's not the frugal kind. It's not too late to change, but for now this one is a bust.

4. Home Renovations-
Oh the joys of remodeling.

There is still plenty more to do, but the main things I had listed were the master bath and bedroom and we have done a lot in there. I would call that a win.

3. Business Remodel- I have done a major overhaul to my business, but not in the way that I had planned. I am taking on less than half of the work load I had this time last year. My priorities have changed since I wrote these goals (back before my work as a mother doubled). However, I do still need to update my website, so that's still on the list.

2. Renew Our Vows- This one is in the works right now! The big day is less than 2 months away. More details on that later.

1. Have a baby- My most important goal this year was to focus on motherhood and having a baby. Check.
She just kind of showed up in this basket one day;)

Well, that gives me a pretty good idea on where I stand. Did anyone else write any resolutions for the year? How are you doing on those?


{amy} said...

Ummm...ya. Not doing so good on mine!

Mrs Happy Homemaker said...

My list is always changing! haha