Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Facts #11-15

11. I blog almost everyday at, it would be cool to go pro someday.

Okay so maybe it is just a pipe dream, but who wouldn't love to be compensated for something they do just for the sheer enjoyment of it.

12. I used to work on a farm and milk goats.

I had just read the Maker's Diet at the time and was interested in becoming more organic, getting in touch with the earth and all that natural stuff. It didn't last too long, but I did learn a lot while I was there, like how to milk a goat. Shortly after I started working there, they got a milking machine and then all I had to do was get a couple squirts going by hand and hook 'em up.

13. I love hidden camera shows. When I was little I used to want to be on candid camera. I was always keeping an eye out for the opportunity to be pranked.

Although Candid Camera has been off the air for a long time now my latest favorites are Howie Do It (NBC) and I also like What Would You Do (ABC). Both shows are available on line at their networks website.

14. I have eaten cow tongue.

Lengua De Vaca is a common dish in many cultures, but not mine! This little adventure came about when my friend and I wanted to spice up our Spring Break by challenging each other to do 10 things we have never done before. The dares ranged from dying our hair to having a picnic on top of a car. Eating Cow Tongue was probably the most repugnant.

15. I haven’t drank soda since high school.

I have been soda free for about 8 years now. Unlike any of the other things I have resolved to do I just decided to go from drinking soda to water and I actually did it. I don't know how, but it stuck and although I used to enjoy sugary carbonated beverages I can not even stand to have one sip now. If only I could apply this kind of dedication to my other bad habits.

Photo: That is me with one of the buck's and so I did not milk HIM, however I did bring him food and water and so obviously he was very grateful for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that picture. I've always heard goats are very friendly.

I felt that way about my job (#11) for several years.