Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 Random Facts #21-25

21. Everyone in my family has a Mac Book.

Okay, this is not entirely accurate, because my 17 month old does not have his own Mac, contrary to what the photo above depicts. I wrote about this family phenomenon in another post, here is the link- "My Mac Is Back"

22. I got over $1,000 worth of free stuff from CVS last year, by using coupons.

This whole coupon cult is all very new to me, I just started up in June, but I jumped in with both feet. Here are a couple links to where I have blogged about it.

The Messy Mom: Money Saving Mom
The Messy Mom: The Call of Coupons
The Messy Mom: CVS week of September 21-27

23. I like playing Frisbee games even though I am not good at them.

Ultimate Frisbee and Frisbee golf, GREAT FUN!

24. I am not smarter than a 5th Grader, but I could probably take one in a fight or maybe not.

I am not good at retaining facts, so anything I learned in 5th grade is long gone. My teachers always labeled me as EXTREMELY right brained. In general your left brain is the intellectual side and the right brain is more creative/artsy. 5th grade math would probably do me in. As far as fighting a 5th grader, of course I would never do that. Let's try this one; I am not smarter than a 5th grader, but I do have a driver's license. Ha, TAKE THAT 5TH GRADERS!

25. I used to be allergic to shrimp and bee stings. I am no longer allergic to shrimp. The jury is still out on the bees and I am fine with keeping it that way.

If you have seen Will Smith's character in the movie "Hitch" when he eats shell fish then you pretty much know my story. I can't even come in contact without swelling up like a balloon. However, that was when I was younger I grew out of it at some point in my teen years. I accidently ate some crab dip once and didn't react, but I would have to get stung by a bee to know if I would end up hospitalized like I did when I was 8. So I just try and avoid them altogether.

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