Friday, February 6, 2009

Froogie Boogie: Generic Drugs

There are some things that I just don't do generic, as snobby as that sounds. The top of this list would be ice cream, then toilet paper, followed by coffee. However, I am all about generics when comes to many products especially medicine!

We had our son circumcised by a rabbi who gave us a short list of supplies that we needed to provide. One of which was Neosporin, however when we showed up with Neosporin we got quite the scolding. "What is this? Don't you know to buy generic? You spent too much. I have a friend that worked in a Neosporin warehouse, they just change out the tubes the only difference is the packaging." I had heard this from a professor in my marketing class in business school, he said this was particularly true with drugs, but for some reason I take the financial advice more seriously coming from a Jew.

I now heed the Rabi's teaching and we buy all of our medication generic including prescriptions. The only exception is my stash of name brand Tylenol, Advil, Excedrin etc. that I got for free at CVS, you coupon froogies know what I am talking about. As I mentioned before not all generic items are created equal. Johnson & Johnson for example have a notice on their bottles that states that they DO NOT make store brands. If you get something that says "compare to J&J lotion" you can compare it, but it won't be the same. It's a personal preference and though I have tried a few generic duds, it's been worth it to find the dozens of good ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should show the Eye glass store this photo. Maybe they could use it in an add and give you a break next time around. It's that good!