Saturday, February 21, 2009

What if...

In talking about lifestyles this week it brings up a lot of questions about what influences how we live. My mind begins to wander and I ask myself things like…

What if you were born in another country?
What if you were born in another time period?
What if you were famous?
What if you were homeless?

What would your life be like then?

There are so many factors that influence our lifestyles. Every encounter, every experience is having some kind of impact on the person that you are and are to become. The questions are kind of pointless, because when I think about what kind of life I would lead if I where under completely different circumstances I have to say that it just wouldn’t be me. I am more than just a body. I am a being and my life is a compilation of everything that I have been through and the choices I have made.
You change any of that and it isn’t MY life. Therefore, although I can’t determine the circumstantial factors of my environment I do have a choice in what I do with them. I want to live a life of love, truthfulness, purpose and holiness. I want my lifestyle to be a reflection of that. I don’t have time for self pity and no room for regrets, because without every little piece of this journey, I am incomplete.

Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

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