Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ahoy Matey!

Ahoy! This week I am talking about taking on the role of Dr. Mom. So, what's with the pirate talk? Well to begin, a couple months ago we started noticing that Z wasn't able to focus on things very well and would often look cross eyed. At first I just chalked it up to being a silly face. He has always been extremely expressive like his mother, and I make a lot of crazy faces too.

It didn't take long before we began to have some concern and decided to get it checked out. The doctor told us that his left eye was weak and she set us up with pediatric eye specialist to do further testing. Sure enough the results showed that Z's left eye just wasn't keeping up with the right one. It was explained to us that when this happens you are seeing double and the brain doesn't like that so it just "shuts off" the weaker eye. This is the reason people end up with a lazy eye. Luckily it doesn't have to be lazy, it just needs to work out a little bit. Kind of like me.

The treatment for this is to cover up the good eye in order to force the weak eye to exercise it's abilities and become stronger. Over time both eyes will be able to see in unison and the problem is solved. For Z this means that he has to wear a patch over his right eye 3 hours a day. That's were the pirate part comes in. The patches are actually pretty cute. We've gone with a brand that is specially made for children and they have different patterns and sizes. The problem is, they don't stay on. I can't blame Z, he does pretty well with the patches, but they just don't stick! That means I have to secure it with bandage tape, which is not so cute. That's okay though, most of the time no one even sees it.

The thing is, the eye doctor's diagnosis didn't end there. I will get to part 2 tomorrow. Until then "Set Sail, me matey!"

A couple pics Germ took with his phone

Z sporting his taped up Ortopad eye patch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute with or without glasses.