Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Black Tie

Several years ago my husband boss's daughter was getting married and we had the honor of attending this black tie affair. I was so excited! After assuming that I would never have any well-to-do award ceremonies or balls to attend I figured my days of formal wear ended with prom. I immediately began looking for a dress, which led to the realization that I could not afford a dress. We were young newly weds living on a shoestring budget that did not allow for sparkling evening gowns. I was like Cinderella with no fairy god mother. I did however have a lot of friends with prom/bridesmaid dresses tucked away in their closets begging to be borrowed. So I ended up with a previously worn bridesmaid dress that was a decent fit, my husband borrowed a tux, and we were good to go.

The night of the wedding we pulled up to the red carpet (literally there was a red carpet) in the clunkiest old Volvo you have ever seen. I am sure the valets didn't mind parking it due to the fact that my husband, who valet parked as a second job, knew what a good tip would be. As we approached the Hall of State entrance I saw local news anchors and politicians and I gulped as I realized that this was a pretty big deal and that the music that I was hearing in my head was actually a live bag pipe player. All this before we even stepped foot in the building.

Of course the ceremony, the food, the decorations, everything was over the top. At one point we were all directed outside to watch the fireworks. It was rumored that this private fireworks display cost pops a good 20 grand, but what is 20 grand amongst so many other "grands"? As I was soaking it all in, an older woman wearing a Cruella de Vil like ensemble looked down at me and said "you almost look like a bridesmaid" I sighed "well, it is a bridesmaid dress" I told her.

There I was, a waitress being offered gourmet hors d'oeuvre and champagne on silver platters, listening to a full orchestra perform as I tried to blend in with the biggest socialites in the Big D. Yet somehow I just couldn't get comfortable. I felt like someone had posted a sign on my back that said "Poor Girl" and there was no way of fooling anyone. Fortunately, I didn't let this invisible mental sign stop me from sampling all the delicacies the evening had to offer and grabbing my share of party favors on the way out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah party favors. I bet they were good.