Monday, April 20, 2009

Free Reusable Shopping Bags at H.E.B

One way that I keep things green around here is with reusable shopping bags (I'll share more on that later this week.) That is why I couldn't resist mentioning this opportunity for those that live near and H.E.B. to get a free shopping bag. On Earth Day (April 22), from 3:00-7:00 pm if you bring in 5 or more plastic bags to be recycled you will receive one free reusable shopping bag. Just one more reason I love: H.E.B

1 comment:

Lexi said...

Oh I have a bunch of these bags...not of the HEB variety because I don't know of one near me, but regardless I have several. Chris gets embarassed when I take them with me to the grocery store.

The company I work for is doing a promotion with them at one of the Fort Worth Cats baseball games, giving away free reusable grocery bags to the first however many guests! :) Fun, fun.